Celebrating Retiree Linda Marshall, published in Mohawk Retirees' Newsletter

Posted in Press, Feature

Celebrating Retiree Linda Marshall, published in Mohawk Retirees' Newsletter, written by Susan Pratt. 

Celebrating Retiree Linda Marshall, published in Mohawk Retirees' Newsletter


Linda retired in 2014 after 32 years at Mohawk College.  During this time Linda held many differing and diverse roles, starting as support staff in ECE lab school; faculty in ECE; Director of ECE Lab Schools; working in H.R., Alumni, Corporate Service Officer; Director of Public Relations and Special Events; as Director of Special Projects in Student Services she created Leadership programs and Special Projects, fundraising for the college. Throughout all of this Linda was always involved in the community. 

Prior to retiring, Linda questioned herself.  She felt she was living a ‘drive-by life’, there had to be more… She felt there was something else out there for her.   Linda’s mantra is that we are a product of our own thoughts.  She identified that this took several years for her to sort out.  In the process of exploring her options, she accidentally took the wrong workshop. She was supposed to be in ‘how to build your speaking business and found herself in ‘how to book your business’, a workshop on writing.  Perhaps this was serendipity at work.   It was in writing her first book – Giving Back- How to Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others that she was able to put everything into perspective and sort out her direction ultimately leading her to get certified in Emotional Intelligence Training.    Now Linda’s business Marshall Connects Inc. offers, consulting, coaching, keynote speaking engagements & EQi Assessments.  She has created and developed leadership and workplace program based on emotional intelligence.  With the encouragement from her daughters and trusting her own inner guide, Linda is ready to publish a second book this one focused on her work in Emotional Intelligence.

As Linda and I spoke I became very aware of her high energy and passion for what she does.  Linda identified that the years at Mohawk framed who she is.  In retirement Linda appreciates family time with her husband and two grown children, she walks & visits the gym every day, and loves to travel.  As an acknowledged and recovering perfectionist she now allows herself more flexibility and continues on her journey to excellence.   It was in retirement that Linda reinvented herself.  She loves her work, her writing, her….something else.

For further information about Linda, her books and her work, go to the web site:  www.marshallconnects.com 

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