Who are the people in your life who positively influence you? There’s significant power in selecting those who you spend time with wisely.
“The friends you choose to have in your life will undoubtedly play a role in who you are and will impact who you become.” – Linda Marshall, Author
Your People Are Your Strongest Asset

While writing my second book, The Power of Emotion, which I must confess, was an exciting journey with many bumps along the way. For the most part, it was a relatively independent task. During that time, I found myself feeling a bit lonely and isolated at times. When I felt that way, I consciously decided to connect with “my people.” Invariably, every time we got together, their influence left me feeling optimistic, stimulated and renewed energy for my work and life. My people instinctively support and inspire me.
Your People Know What Makes You Tick
Frequently, I reflect on and have written about the benefits of sharing time with my tribe - those who only want the best for me and me for them, a.k.a. “my people.”
“My people” have a great deal of positive influence on my life. They know me - the good, the bad, and the ugly and love me unconditionally. Your people don’t have to be in your life daily to know you and what makes you tick. Nothing can replace spending time with people who are good listeners, can finish your sentences, and care about you unconditionally.
Building “Your Community” With What Matters Most
I’ve found that finding people who share your values is significant in selecting “your people.” Choose your friends wisely, as they become essential to building your community.
Think about this…
If we spend time with people who oppose our values, their influence may not be positive; we risk becoming more like them. Also, fair or not, we will be judged by the company we keep. I believe strongly in the late Jim Rohn’s quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” I think about this and ask myself if I’m spending enough time with positive people I appreciate, enjoy, and whose influence brings value to my life.
Be Mindful of Who You Surround Yourself With
When it comes to our friends, author and psychotherapist Amy Morin suggests five ways your friends can affect your success:- Strong-willed friends can increase your self-control.
- Fewer friends increase the likelihood you’ll take financial risks.
- Too many social media connections can increase your stress level.
- Close friends could be the secret to longevity.
- Friends can greatly influence your choices.
Surrounding yourself with the right people will influence you’re your life positively and help you achieve your goals. Relationships thrive on optimism; some studies even suggest the right friends lower the risk of disease by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol – that’s the value of “your people”! Be sure to check out many more motivational blogs here.
This article was originally published on July 13, 2019, and has been updated (June 2023).
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