When reflecting on how socially responsible I and my business footprint are, I wonder if we feel a social responsibility to do more than what is required. And, what role do our values play in how we give back?

When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.
The awakening of social responsibility
We all play a role in supporting our country in one way or another, including paying taxes to support our health, education, and the many services we depend on. Are we connected to that concept of giving back? Do we take the time to consider our level of social responsibility? Of course, some are more aware of this responsibility than others for various reasons.
As a nation, we’re becoming more aware of company ethics and corporate social responsibility; we can participate with businesses that give back and know their footprint. Every year we have the opportunity to give back on GivingTuesday. This year on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students internationally will come together for one shared purpose: to celebrate generosity and give.
Our values play a vital role in social responsibility.
I focus on values, self, and social awareness when facilitating emotional intelligence coaching and workshops with individuals and businesses. Understanding who we are and how we can play a role in meeting the needs of others is fundamental to connecting ourselves to our values. When our values include social responsibility, we truly make a difference in our community and world.
How we give back & make a difference
To explain the impact of giving back, I am sharing an excerpt from my book, Giving Back, How to Find your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others.
Giving has been a huge part of my journey in life. From my earliest memories, it has shaped me as an individual and has brought me great joy. If doing something for others can enrich one’s own life, then it is truly a win-win. I strongly believe that each of us needs to return, with a grateful heart, a portion of what has been given to us. When you give back, you are giving back of yourself. In many ways you are giving back the values that others gave to you. You are passing them on. Generations hence, someone will be better off because of who you were and what you chose to do. Each of us is a small piece of a very big picture, and we should strive to present the best of humanity. We need to project that.
If we all do something small, we can make a big difference. Take a few moments to reflect and ask yourself if you can do more to make a difference and become more socially responsible. Consider participating in Giving Tuesday this year!
This article was originally published on August 26, 2017, and has been updated (November 2022).
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