In episode 7 of Business Wellness in Hamilton, learn the importance of leading with compassion.

Linda Marshall hosts Business Wellness in Hamilton on Cable 14 weekly. Each episode covers buzz-worthy topics such as emotional intelligence, employee engagement, mental health, company culture and much more.
In episode 7, that airs Tuesday, May 30, 2017, at 9:30 am and 9:00 pm the topic is Leading With Compassion. Linda is joined by Rob MacIsaac, President of Hamilton Health Sciences and
Leading with Compassion
Promoting compassion and reducing stress positively affects business wellness. When we lead with compassion we lead with both our heart and brain.
We’re beginning to see a shift to a more empathetic, emotionally intelligent and thoughtful form of leadership. When we practice compassion the focus is on others, we are socially aware and we turn our focus from “I” to “We”.
We’re learning about new research indicating the benefits of encouraging a culture of compassion to reduce workplace stress. The results are not just a more satisfied and content place of work but a stronger bottom line. It goes without saying when staff members arrive