In episode 5 of Business Wellness in Hamilton, learn the significant role Mentorship can play in the workplace.

Linda Marshall hosts Business Wellness in Hamilton on Cable 14 weekly. Each episode covers buzz-worthy topics such as emotional intelligence, employee engagement, mental health, company culture and much more.
In episode 5 that airs Tuesday, May 16 at 9:30 am and 9:00 pm the topic is Mentoring - Why It's Important To Your Career. Linda is joined by Carmela Trombetta, Vice-President, Hamilton Commercial Financial Services and Trish
The Overwhelming Benefits of Mentoring
Through mentorship programs, businesses today are beginning to invest in their greatest resource - their employees. Mentorship programs offer numerous positive benefits including showing the staff the company cares enough to provide support and resources as part of their investment in them. Essentially it’s a win-win situation for both the business and the employees who participate in mentorship programs, they both visualize the return in investment!
Today more and more successful companies are handling their human resource challenges like, employee retention, succession planning and enhancing productivity using a variety of mentorship forms and opportunities