Giving Tuesday: Your Opportunity to Give Back and Inspire Change

Posted in Holiday Season, Insights, Motivational, News

Join the #GivingTuesday movement – an inspiring global day of generosity, collaboration, and giving, powered by social media. Held on the Tuesday after U.S. Thanksgiving, it’s an opportunity to come together as a community and shift our focus from consumerism to compassion, reminding us to give back and inspire positive change in the world that supports us.

The Power of Giving: Why #GivingTuesday Matters

“Remember, when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received; only what you have given: a heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.” — St. Francis of Assisi

Marshall Connects article, "Giving Tuesday: Your Opportunity to Give Back and Inspire Change"What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a global movement that began in 2012 in the U.S. and was quickly embraced in Canada in 2013 by and other founding partners. This year, #GivingTuesdayCA takes place on December 3, when charities, families, businesses, community groups, and individuals come together for one shared purpose: to give generously and celebrate the power of kindness.

For many, the days following Thanksgiving are dominated by hunting for the best deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But what if we focused just as much energy on giving as we do on getting? Giving Tuesday serves as that pivot point – a time to enrich others’ lives rather than just our own. 

Why Giving Tuesday Matters

Giving Tuesday plays a vital role in building a culture of giving and connection in Canada and around the world. It transcends borders and reminds us that generosity is universal. From community-based organizations to international charities, the acts of giving that happens on this day create ripples of change far beyond December 3. 

This day is not just about donations, though those are certainly impactful. It’s about making generosity part of our everyday lives—whether by lending a helping hand, offering a kind word, or sharing resources. The possibilities are endless, and the impact is immense.

The Personal Impact of Giving Back

Giving has always been a personal value of mine. In 2015, I explored this theme in my book, "Giving Back, How to Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others." Writing it allowed me to reflect on the immense joy that comes from giving freely of oneself, not just in monetary terms but through time, compassion, and empathy. 

Here’s an excerpt from my book that sums up my feelings on the subject:

Joyful Giving "A heart full of gratitude is a heart that gives. When we’re grateful, we feel a natural pull to give back. In doing so, we find a deeper sense of joy. While material things fade, it’s the relationships, experiences, and acts of love that remain. The simple act of giving lifts not only the receiver but the giver as well. This is why joyful giving is an enduring part of my personal journey—one that will continue to shape my life." 

I believe Giving Tuesday provides the perfect opportunity to explore this sense of joy and fulfillment by connecting with others, contributing to worthy causes, and spreading kindness throughout our communities.

Why Should You Participate in #GivingTuesday Canada? 

As the holiday season approaches, consider being a role model for generosity and compassion. Giving Tuesday is the perfect opportunity to inspire those around you—whether they are colleagues, family members, or friends—to adopt a giving mindset. Here’s how you can make a difference: 

  1. Make Giving Personal: Share stories of generosity with your network. Lead by example and show others how meaningful it is to give.

  2. Host a Giving Challenge: Start a challenge at work, encouraging colleagues to donate time, money, or items to a chosen cause.

  3. Volunteer with Loved Ones: Participate as a family or team in a volunteer initiative that speaks to your values.

  4. Spread Awareness: Use your social platforms to share why Giving Tuesday is important to you and encourage others to participate.

A Legacy of Giving 

At Marshall Connects, we are proud to support local organizations that make a meaningful difference. This year, as part of our ongoing commitment to giving back, we’ll be donating to the Hamilton Stoney Creek Rotary Club, an organization with which we’ve had a longstanding partnership. They continue to fund incredible community projects that touch lives in profound ways. You too can contribute by supporting their ongoing fundraising efforts. Click here to learn more and explore ways to get involved. 

Together, we can make a lasting impact. On December 3, whether you choose to donate, volunteer, or simply perform an act of kindness, know that your actions matter. In giving, we build stronger communities, healthier relationships, and a kinder world. Join the #GivingTuesdayCA movement. Let’s show the world the incredible power of joyful giving. Let’s inspire the next generation of givers to follow in our footsteps.

This article was originally published on November 20, 2016, and has been updated (October 2024).

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