Giving Back Book (ebook)

Linda Marshall's book - Giving Back, How To Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others presents us with the revolutionary concept that gratitude in daily life will make for more engaged, thoughtful, and successful leaders.

Living a “drive-by” life is an easy habit to fall into ― simply going through everyday motions without enjoying the journey is something Linda Marshall's book explains. 

Linda Marshall knows that every day is an opportunity to make a difference. Her mission is to help people choose to always be joyful and grateful, rather than waiting for some designated time in the future. You have a choice to harness your happiness to lift others up. The book - Giving Back How To Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others will show you what really matters, so you can live your life to the fullest.

If you are looking to give back and find your personal joy, make sure you read Linda Marshall's book, it truly will make a difference in your life. 

Marshall Connects helps people and organizations get ahead by giving back. 

» Purchase Paperback Version

Praise for Giving Back

  • A refreshing account outlining the extraordinary effects of giving back while finding purpose and clarity in today’s fast paced environment. I especially enjoyed the recommendations offered in the “Consider this” sections.
    - Dr. Steve Szarka | B. Eng., M. Eng., MD., CFPC, FCFP, Assistant Clinical Professor McMaster University




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